Monday, January 17, 2011

happy MLK day

It was nice to have an extra day off with my husband.  We had breakfast, finished cleaning up the apartment, and ate more pinto beans for lunch (we're nearing the end of the pot- trying to finish them up before we have to be around people again).  I read for a bit while he played his upright bass.  Then, we went our separate ways to get a few things done.  He went to have coffee with our buddy Will and to practice with Lopez for their next gig. I think it's tomorrow night.  I went to see about getting a pair of pants hemmed and to have a cavity filled.  Since I had time, I also stopped by a couple of stores. 

As usual, the cavity filling was bearable, but not comfortable.  They numbed my mouth with a topical medication. Then the dentist came in to give me the shot.  It was in the far left corner on the bottom, which I feel is a less sensitive spot. As I found out, it's perfect for numbing both the top and bottom on that side.  Then they left me reclined in the chair for about twenty or thirty minutes while the medicine numbed my mouth. It felt like a really long time.  Before the dentist started drilling he said, "Let me know if you feel anything, and I'll give you some more medication. I want to make sure you don't feel a thing! Sound good?"  "Perfect!" I mumbled through the spit sucker. Of course, not wanting to appear needy or whiney, I let them drill on even though within a few seconds, it was starting to really hurt.  I kept thinking it would be over soon, but those few moments went on and on.  In reality, I am sure that he didn't drill long at all. It just felt like forever.  I suppose I could have stopped him for more meds, but I was being impatient. I felt like I had already been waiting too long, and I figured it would be over soon anyway.  I could feel my face getting red, I guess from the shock of the pain.  Usually my eyes tear up, but luckily, that didn't happen.  The dentist finished drilling it out, and told me I did a great job.  He could probably tell that it hurt! He left the exam room to care for his next patient, and his assistant finished up the filling. Ouch! Happy MLK Day to me.