Wednesday, July 18, 2012


This year we planted some cherry tomatoes and serrano peppers in a pot on our back patio. I think Chris said he tried to plant some mint too, but it didn't come up. We got three serrano peppers earlier this summer, but that was it. We've gotten lots of cherry tomatoes.

When I was growing up my dad always planted a huge garden. I don't think I appreciated it enough. I think I saw it as work with no reward. Gardening meant dirty fingernails, digging, planting, watering, weeding, itchy legs and bug bites, sweating, picking and a full day or two of canning at least the tomato yield. I remember complaining when my dad would send me out to pick a couple of vegetables or to water the garden for him when he was busy with work and didn't have the time. When it was very hot and dry, he wanted it watered several times a day, which is hard to do when you're at work all day.  I look forward to the day that Chris and I can have a big garden in our backyard. Maybe my future children will be the ones that complain about picking or watering, we'll see, but I am thankful for this little garden today.

I love to wait until we have a few red cherry tomatoes and pick them all at once for a salad. I've done that the past two nights. Chris likes to eat them like candy on his way in or out of the apartment! I have to tell him to stop so we can have enough for salads! He thinks I am nuts.

1 comment:

  1. The majority of what we've produced this year is rabbits. You'll have to give Chris some Kraken and have him relive some of his garden stories...
