Thursday, May 16, 2013

38 weeks

Not a lot has changed since my last post earlier this week. I am 38 weeks and two days now. That means I am due in 1 week and 5 days. CRAZY! I saw my doctor yesterday, and although I had been having some more regular contractions a few nights in a row, I hadn't progressed any.

My weight gain leveling out must have caught up with me. I was up another 2.2 pounds since last week, which makes my total weight gain 28.9 pounds. I believe I will surpass my goal of 30, but that's okay. My husband says I've been the cookie monster lately. He is right. I need to watch the sweets. They are not helping with keeping my weight under control. Maybe I will still be within the recommended 25-35 by the end. If not, I will just have to work a little harder to lose any extra weight after she's born!

My blood pressure was 110/70. Her heart rate was easy to remember. It was the same as my weight,157.

I was measuring only 37.5 cm even though I am 38 weeks. The doctor says that's normal and was hopeful that it was an indication that she had dropped down a little, but once he checked, it was clear she hadn't. I was still at 1 cm, no more effaced and the baby was still way up high. All those contractions the other night hadn't done anything for our progress.

My doctor finally did bring up being induced. I think he's a big fan of inductions, apparently even on first time moms. I am guessing he regularly induces patients at 39 weeks. He said that he wasn't going to make me get induced, but he brought up a patient who was 40 weeks and not dilated at all. He said I was progressing better than her since I'm at a 1, but that they had decided it was best to induce since she wasn't progressing on her own. In his opinion, nothing good happens after 40 weeks, the placenta stops working as well, the baby gets too big, etc. He said we could take it one week at a time and figure out what would be best. I am leaning towards an induction at 41 weeks if she's not here by then. Chris and I still have a little while to think this through, and who knows, she still might decide to come a few days early. I told the doctor that we'll see, but I am hoping she'll just decide on her own at 39.5 weeks that it's time to be born! That would be perfect!

By the way, this is my 100th blog post! Woo Hoo! 

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