Friday, May 24, 2013

Almost there! 39 weeks!

I am now 39 weeks and three days. I can't believe it's almost time for Bridgette to arrive. Part of me is really going to miss being pregnant. I'll miss feeling her little movements, watching her grow from the outside, having everyone be excited for our family, wondering what she looks like, getting lots of gifts for her, fixing up her room, not ever having to lift anything heavy, and being able to eat whatever I'm craving that Chris is willing to go out to find for me. There's also a difference in the way total strangers treat you when you are pregnant. People often offer to let you in front of them in line, they'll give up their seat for you, or they'll hold the door open for you. Everyone, those you know and sometimes even those you don't know that well will ask how you're feeling. These are perks for pregnant women.

I won't miss the weird pains everywhere, morning sickness (that I only had in the beginning), worrying about everything, having to avoid eating certain foods and drinks, swollen feet, swollen legs, swollen ankles, varicose veins, not being able to breath easily, not being able to walk easily, weighing almost 30 pounds more than normal, having dry skin, being hungry all the time, having to pee all the time, waiting in the lab at the clinic for 30 minutes to give a urine sample before every doctor's appointment. Seriously, people! Just give me the cup. I can go pee in the restroom down the hall! I promise to bring the sample back to you! 

She will be here on the outside soon enough. I am trying to soak up my last few days of being able to sleep through at least most of the night. Everyone is telling me to rest now before she's born! I am so excited and nervous about her arrival. It's been hard to rest -especially my mind, but I am trying.

I went back for my weekly check up on Wednesday. I am progressing slowly, but my prediction is that she will not be here by her due date, which is Tuesday. I was 1.5 cm dilated and still 75% effaced. She could come any time, I suppose, but this is not much progress since last week. I was still the same weight as last week. My blood pressure was 110/70.  Her heart rate was 144. I was measuring 37 cm, which means she might have dropped down a little. I am not sure about that since the doctor didn't mention her being high or low. Maybe she's in the middle. He did talk to me again about being induced. I think he is probably hoping that I schedule an induction very soon. I told him that I am not really interested yet. We decided that I would come back for my 40 week appointment on Tuesday if she's not born before that and we'd talk about it again. He said he'd probably be twisting my arm a little by 41 weeks if she's not here by then. I told him I could probably be convinced to be induced at 41 weeks but that I hoped she would come before that on her own. We'll see! I've heard from lots of people that first babies are sometimes stubborn!

Come on out, baby girl! Your mom and dad are anxious to meet you!

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